Full time incumbent pressmen employed by foreign .newspapers,
broadcasting systems and news agencies.
(Korean nationality not included)
- Applicant (Prescribed form) : 1
- Self Introduction (2 sheets of A4¡¤including education and career) : 1
- Planning draft on study and research : 1
- Recommendations by two persons : 1 per each
- Admission by Korean colleges or institution (who is concerned) : 1
- Resume : 1
Please mail the original copies of the aforesaid documents to the following
address with attention to secretariat of Bang Il Young Foundation.
(Application by e-mail or fax will be confirmed when original copies arrive
by mail)
Address :
The Bang Il Young Foundation
61, 1-ga, Taepyong-no, Chung-gu, Seoul 100-756, Korea
- Round trip flight
- Monthly accommodation expenses (for 10 months¡¤2 million won per month)
- Full tuition (on if applicant is enrolled to the college or university)
Advisory committee of the Foundation consisting of eminent scholars of
journalism and journalists examines the application documents and takes
a comprehensive evaluation of study plan, career and future possibility in
 November. Final selection will be made in December and notified to the
company applicant belongs to.
Applicant who wants to be enrolled to a Korean university should individually
take the entrance procedure and earn a long-term Visa with stay permission
for a year or more.