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Bang Il Young Foundation compiled outstanding editorials from Hangsung Soonbo in 1883 to the Korean newspapers by the end of 20th century for 6 years from 1995 through 1999 (commencement was in 1994) and completely published 'The Selected Editorials of Korean Newspapers' in January 2000.
You can have a total view on the flow of Korean history. It was a tremendous job to compile 8,205 editorials into 12 volumes out of over 400,000 editorials that were run in 49 leading newspapers in Korea and overseas from the end of Chosun up to 1999.
Two separate volumes of 'Bibliography of Korean Newspaper Editorials' containing only the titles of editorials were also published.
The bibliography contains 33,770 editorials in the chronical order. The Foundation collaborated with Date & Information Center of
Chosun Ilbo to have the editorials be available in the internet from Nov.22.2000 so that more people can search and read them with ease.
The publication was led by Counselor Yoon Im Sool of Historical Records Center of Chosun Ilbo. It is also of great value for studying history of press because
it contains 235 editorials from Chosun Ilbo, Dong-A Ilbo and Shidae Ilbo that were confiscated by the government under the rule of Japanese Empire.
Until 1920's when Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo settled editorial, it had had various names like publisher's opinion, leader, journal forum and editorial.
In terms of letters, at the beginning Chinese only was used, early 1900's Chinese and Korean were mixed, late 1900's Korean only was used and recently
Chinese is coming again. The length of title is noticeable. Before 1960's title was short within 10 letters, then it was getting longer to the extent of adding
subtitle, and from 1980's it has been simple again. Since Hansung Soonbo launched in 1883, about 900 newspapers have been published by Korean in
Korea and overseas. .The Foundation donated the publication to public and university libraries for free of charge whenever each volume was published for
6 years. In July 2000 it was supplied to famous foreign universities so that its institutions and research studying Korea can utilize. The Foundation separately
sells a limited number for collection. (Inquiry to 724-5042. 30,000 won per volume) .